Residents and staff of Elements extend a warm welcome to new residents Joe and June.
We took a few moments to ask Joe and June about their move to Elements and how they have settled in.
“We picked Elements over other retirement villages so we could be close to our son Randal and daughter in-law Janae who live in Springwood” Joe said. “We were also delighted to know that our dog Betsy, who we’ve had for 10 years, could come and live with us at Elements too. We didn’t want to part with her, she’s one of the family as well!”
Joe and June are originally from NSW, moving to Noosa when they married 57 years ago. They made the move to Elements just after Christmas 2011. “We love being surrounded by nature and some mornings we are greeted by a kangaroo or two at our back entrance.”
Joe and June love the social aspect of the village and interacting with the residents. Proximity to facilities and care are also important.
“We like that the doctor and the shops are only a stones throw away. We also have RSL Care visit us at home regularly for health care and check up which makes us, and our family, feel more relaxed.”
“We feel very secure in the village and love that our home is maintenance free giving us extra time and peace of mind to enjoy the more important things in life.”
Joe and June believe it is the best move they have made and both expressed “We wish we had the move to Elements sooner!”
Welcome Joe and June and thanks for sharing.
pop in and see us!
Like Joe and June did, enjoy a pleasant, leisurely tour at our retirement village, including our tranquil zen garden, Club Elements and browse through a variety of home designs. Its easy and we’d love to show you around. Just drop in to our display centre open six days or contact us at anytime.

A beautiful, easy living retirement village nestled in the Daisy Hill State Forest, Springwood, Brisbane, Queensland. Our stylish 2 or 3 bedroom apartments, including garden option, offer single level access and luxury retirement communities with neighbours close by but with privacy assured.