A little bit of nostalgia!

Nostalgia and fun have been in the air in recent weeks. One resident turned the clock back to the 60’s for some of her friends, with dress and food reflecting that era. When the zebra crossing appeared in Serene Avenue, it set some quirky minds into over-drive, to revisit a moment that has been reproduced […]
Meals on Wheels volunteer appreciation lunch

Every year the staff and residents get together to throw a lunch for those who volunteer their time to help others. It’s a small way the residents and staff can give back to the ones who donate their time. This year was no exception. We had a group of well deserved Meals on Wheels volunteers […]
Beenleigh Rum Distillery Tours

Twenty-seven residents enjoyed a tour of the Beenleigh Rum Distillery and enjoyed even more a tasting of the many liqueur rums on offer. Beenleigh is Australia’s original rum and 130 years later still making rum the traditional way. Following the rum tour, we had lunch at the famous Yatala Pie Shop. A pleasant few hours was […]
Chinese New Year with our neighbours!

The weekend of February 6 – 7 provided a double opportunity for Elements residents to celebrate the beginning of the Year of the Monkey. Eleven people defied the threat of showers and made their way across Dennis Road to the Bodhi Chan Meditation Centre to welcome the New Year with around seventy other people. The […]
Elements’ Australia Day

Damper, including some delicious home-made varieties, and lamingtons were the focus of the Aussie morning tea at Elements on our national day. And where better to have this gathering than our brand new Shed, which had been appropriately decorated for the occasion. A little sing-song added to the atmosphere of Akubras, hats dangling corks and […]
Black Pepper Fashion Show

A popular seasonal event for the ladies is the fashion parade and morning tea provided by the Black Pepper store at Centro at Springwood. Once again, the elegant models included our residents with Mary and Dorothy joining Sandra on the catwalk. They obviously did a great job as the sales registers were working overtime afterwards. […]
Our little Sausage sizzle

The third Friday of the month was designated as a Sausage Sizzle in the Bush Garden. Once again the weather was kind and large numbers enjoyed the beautiful setting. Sausages seem to taste much better when grilled on the BBQ and simply eaten with onions, bread and sauce. What more could we want? The occasion […]
Slowly but surely

Mount Elements is slowly and surely being chipped away. Tailing the trucks yesterday Staff discovered that our excess fill (we seemed to have a lot of this) is now living at the Boral Bricks site on Gardner Road. It sure has changed from what it used to be. Finally being able to see progress has […]
Excursion to Margaret Olley Art Centre at Murwillumbah

Our merry Elements troupe of eleven set off to the Art Centre which houses exhibitions of paintings, objects, a research library and education workshop; but the high-light for many is seeing the recreation of Margaret Olley’s home studio in Sydney—20,000 items painstakingly shifted to the Murwillumbah Centre Margaret Olley’s rooms are amazingly jam-packed with her […]
Happy Hour with a difference!

Happy Hours with a difference Two of our recent Fridays have seen a slightly different take on our usual Happy Hour gatherings. The first was a lunch time event, and the other an added activity. Sausage Sizzle With the weather cooperating beautifully, the Bush Garden provided the venue for a lunch time Sausage Sizzle Happy […]